The Lynch family is of Norman origin and came to Ireland in the year 1172. They secured estates in the present Counties of Limerick and Galway. The Lynches were among the earlier of the Norman families who adopted Irish customs and became identified with the native population. They even added the Irish prefix "O" to their name and called themselves the O'Lynches. Some of this name, however, have been shown to be of Irish, or Milesian extraction--the O'Loinsighs. They are mentioned in the "Annals of the Four Masters" in the tenth and eleventh centuries as Chiefs of Ulidia, now County Down. Men bearing this proud and honored name have distinguished themselves throughtout the world by their faith, their learning, their courage and patriotism, and by their gallantry.
I will show importance to their existence here,
even though some paths are marked
by a trail of sorrow... left a lonely tear.
I will walk along paths marked in stone,
to delve in past memories exited and left alone.
I will search so that time cannot erase,
Ancestors of yesteryear
who have left without a trace.
These are promises I will keep dear in my heart;
For only a short while will we be apart.
More on Acadian ancestors
Theriault, Thibodeau
The Lynches